Thursday, November 4, 2010

Christ came to SET US FREE!!!

Another beautiful day set before me this day. The air - once again- cool and crisp. Thank you Lord above!
My sister sent me a message on my cell phone this morning to watch a pastor on tv. Joseph Prince. I reluctantly got out of bed and turned on my television and watched. I really enjoyed the message. I continued to watch as Joyce Meyers came on. I was so glad that I 'tuned in' this
morning to these people. Maybe the Lord had my sis call me, for I received such a blessing!

I normally get up and pray right away...thanking God for bringing me and my love ones through the night...and asking for His help for the day. I then read and study my Bible. Sometimes my times are interrupted, but I usually find some time in the morning for God and I have never regretted that. I am thankful for all the time that the Lord has enabled me to be with Him in these ways.

Today was different and I know that I needed these messages. They were presented differently..two different people..different gender..different nationalities..different cultures.
I've watched Joyce Meyers many times before, but today the message was clearly for me to hear. Freedom in Christ. I don't know much about Joseph Prince. I know he is a man of God and I know he believes and loves the Lord Jesus Christ. I do know something about Joyce Meyers ..I know she suffered terrible abuse as a child.

One of the ways she suffered was from an angry father. She grew up with such fear.
She was telling stories about that, and how when the Lord showed her that God Loved her unconditionally, her life changed. She is a virtuous and right standing woman. A woman of righteousness, but not self righteous. There is a difference.
She came to understand that the Lord knows her better than anyone ever could. She said that
we need to understand our righteousness is of the Lord Jesus Christ..never of ourselves. We can read our Bibles for hours on end, we can pray for hours, and do this and that for the Lord, but
we are only in right standing because of our belief in Jesus. He is busy perfecting us. She said that God knows what we are going to do today, and what we are going to do next week!
She said "God may not like everything we do...but, He still loves us". I KNOW THIS IS TRUE!
She said when she sins, she earnestly repents and the Lord forgives her, and puts it in the 'sea of forgetfulness'. He doesn't hold on to it and put those sins in a box, or a closet to bring us punishment for them...He forgives and forgets!
He sent His only and only...beloved Son for our sins. We have to believe in that!
It is God doing the work in us...not we ourselves!
Joseph Prince was talking about the same thing. It is our FAITH in the ONE who delivers us.
It is our BELIEF in HIM and HIS PROMISES. It is NOT by our own means.
Yes, we are constantly being refined and changed not because of something we do...but, because of what the LORD is doing in us! When we submit our lives to Him...we die to self...we can learn to expect from Him.

Joyce spoke about abiding in the vine. We have the Spirit of God abiding in us. We accept Him as our Savior, we repent of our sins when needed, we study the scriptures and pray because we LOVE HIM, not because we are making a way for our salvation. It was a done deal on the cross that Jesus Christ hung from. He gave HIS life for us. He took upon every sin!
We serve Him because we LOVE HIM, because HE LOVES US!

Joyce said have you ever seen an apple tree grow? Have you ever heard it straining and saying, "I just can't make any apples! I'm trying!" She was cute..all bent to one side and straining..trying to be like an apple tree. She said, 'the tree is in the ground, its roots firmly planted and it is watered and fed, and so it grows!" The same with us!
We are planted in the Lord, and we are being fed and watered by Him and so we grow! He is the soil...we are rooted in Him. Praise God! He will never - ever - leave or forsake us!
We will become what He desires, when we submit all to HIM and believe He is doing the work!"

So, today....another lesson. God loves me. God forgives my sins. God will help me to grow and bear the right kind of fruit. God will give me the victory I need in my life. I only have to trust!
I hope you realize that the LORD is NO respecter of persons! We are all His creation, be it
Korean, or Indian, or whatever. We are created in Christ to do good works. We walk in fellowship with Him and one another. We are over comers because of Jesus Christ and because of God Almighty! His Holy Spirit reigns within us.
Enjoy His presence in your life today, knowing He has a plan for you....a plan for good and not for give you a future and a hope.!!!

"Dear Lord above, thank you for getting me up extra early this morning. I was a tad annoyed receiving that early phone call, for I had stayed up too late the night before. I'm so glad that I tuned in to the message Lord. I need to be reminded and reminded of your love and that the work in me is being accomplished by you...not my righteousness...but yours in me!
I hope all that read this message will realize just how much you love them and they will know that victory is on the way! They only have to believe in your promises...To believe in your power! to believe and accept your love you offer day by day...minute by minute.
Thank you Lord Above....In Jesus's Name. Amen"
"If we confess our sins, HE IS FAITHFUL and JUST to FORGIVE our sins and CLEANSE us from ALL unrighteousness"
"2nd Cor.5:21 - God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God.!"
God is faithful..He is God! Serve Him with a reverent fear yes, but realize that YOU are HIS child when you accept Him as your Savior. When YOU accept HIM..You are HIS CHILD and YOU walk with Him and HE WALKS DAILY WITH YOU!

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