Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Your Word is a lamp to my feet, and a 'LIGHT' to my path

Another morning. ..yawn..kind of tired for some reason. I had a good day yesterday.
I watched my adorable two year old granddaughter for awhile. That was a fun time. Our only little grandson had his adenoids removed and tubes put in to his ears. He's fine now. Thank God.
I enjoyed the day yesterday..and this morning, seems like everything is going fine. Hopefully!

We've had a ton of cold weather, but who hasn't? I don't care much for it. It's fine for awhile, but I much prefer being able to be outside without shivering in my boots.
Tomorrow, it's supposed to be colder- but, spring is on the way!

Anyway, I was thumbing through a magazine on how to lose weight and manage my diet. I haven't been too successful at that one! I thought to myself, 'you need to read the Bible'. You haven't been in the Word too much lately, and it has always been such a blessing to you.
So, I opened it up to Psalms. I usually always, open it up to Psalms.
"This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it!" "Oh give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever!" Well, your Word spoke much to me today- to quit beating myself up and again put my hope in you Lord. You will "satisfy my mouth with good things - so my youth will be renewed like the eagles!" I can have hope in that.

"Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path. I have taken an oath and confirmed it, that I will follow your righteous laws. I have suffered much ; preserve my life, Oh Lord, according to your Word. Accept, O Lord, the willing praise of my mouth, and teach me your laws."

Last week my oldest granddaughter was here for a visit, and we watched The Ten Commandments. It wasn't the original, but a remake. She was asking me endless questions
and I was trying to answer them all to the best of my knowledge.
One thing that struck me about that whole situation, was God's willingness and desire to save His people. The Egyptians and even many of the Israelites were not of the same opinion.
That mean ole Pharaoh (my granddaughter said) wasn't willing to let God's people go- He finally changed his mind after losing his own son in the process.
The people followed Moses. Moses followed God. They were set free. They saw miracle after miracle after miracle. Just to be set free from the Egyptian army should have been enough to
sustain them..but, it wasn't. A sea divided so they could pass thru safely? I mean, what does it take for us? How many miracles do we need to decide to follow our Lord above? How quickly we forget the miracles and start with that unbelief again.

God tells us to seek wisdom. Where oh where does wisdom come from? God's wisdom that is.
Yes, we have the Holy Spirit. Hallelujah! What a blessing. He speaks and guides us.
Do we listen to what He says to us? How can we tell if we are hearing "HIS" voice?

God says His people perish..."PERISH" for a lack of knowledge.
I guess we have to decide if we truly believe in God and in His Word. That would be the first thing we have to decide..and if not, maybe ask the Lord to show us why.

I get lazy. I really do. I been have labeled a 'prayer warrior'. I have had my days with the Lord- truly - giving time and energy and my all...to prayer for others...and of course, for little ole me!
There are times tho', when 'all seems right...and every thing's clickin' as it should be...and The Word takes second or third place. Books are great. Devotionals - wonderful. We need teachings from others, for God has given much to many, BUT we also need to devote ourselves to a
daily 'sprinkling' of the Word of God!
Time alone with Him- meditating on His Word- allowing our Lord to speak to us- I believe that
it is the best vitamin pill we can take! I can't say everything in one little posting about how God has blessed me through studying His Word. I just can't. I'm sure, if you are one who diligently seeks Him- you will say the same.

We can see miracles and be so full of praise and happiness..but, it soon fades away- UNLESS-
we keep the Bibles open. We don't have to have a miracle every day, week, month, year..to
understand God's love and care for us.
What we do have to do- is seek God first and His Kingdom. Open the Bible and ask His Holy Spirit to speak to us. This doesn't require a huge amount of time, and it pleases our Lord.

Psalms 107 speaks of the one who is distressed. The one who has so many problems. So many fears. Because of their indifferences to the counsel of the Most High, they stumbled and fell and were in darkness and gloom and despair- wandering around trying to find their ways.
Just like those Israelites out in that desert! They cried out to God "Save us!" (How many times
have we all done that one?!) Then the Lord heard their cries- and answered and delivered them! Oh how amazing is God's willingness to forgive and forget and save us!

I guess what I'm saying is- I pray we can all come to the realization, that the Lord wants to
build us up in Him. Yes, there are days of rest- thank God! There are days of triumph and joy!
Peace! Prosperity! Let's realize tho' that the Word will sustain us, should difficulties arise.
Let's not wait till the final trumpet blows and we cry out to God- Save us!!!

"Lord above, help me to be better about putting aside a time for you and your Word. It has
blessed me over and over and over again. Help us all to know that You alone are God and you
are the author and finisher of our faith. Many are in desperate straights today..worried about
the next move in their loves- the next happening. Your Word gives us direction...insight..
Hope..courage...and peace of mind. May we - May I - let it be that Light and Lamp. In Jesus's Name. Amen.

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