Thursday, August 12, 2010

I miss my daddy Father!

Why did that come out of my lips this morning Lord above? I was perfectly happy...trying to get in my morning walk, enjoying the presence of a new day. .
I think it must have had something to do with being misunderstood this morning. I think I get misunderstood a lot! Don’t we all?

I think sometimes that we have these truly close knit relationships with others, and when we are misunderstood, or maybe even politely criticized it truly goes against our grain. Usually, it is from the people that love us the most and that we love the most. I always want to blame it on the devil- it’s always HIS fault! Not to whitewash his ugliness away, but sometimes, it is just our take on the thing. Derision. Ugliness. Sadness. Downright self-pity.
I think we have to rise above all of this..and I know that we can. I have done it many times before. We can rise above it..or let it ruin our day. We certainly have a choice.

So, what am I feeling now? Thinking of the times, I guess when I was a small child and being able to run to my dad with my hurts. It seemed he could solve anything.

My dad is now through Heaven’s gates, Praise God! I remember when I was
a little girl, we had a good relationship. It’s never not been a case of my not loving him, or his not loving me, or his other children. . Our problem was his not loving himself.
He was a workaholic. He built a huge company out of sixteen hour days. He gave us most every thing we could want as children, but himself. How I came to miss those hugs. Later on in life, I missed be able to talk to him about my problems.
When Dad was younger, he was intrigued by his power tools and he would make things in his workshop. He made us these super slingshots. That was a blast. He also made us things from steel, because he was in steel fabrication. We walked around on steel stilts. The only kids with those in the neighborhood. Dad loved fun. He loved to play practical jokes. He loved to tickle us. We had many a shaving cream war. He introduced me to music at an early age, for he loved to sing. I gained an appreciated for all those wonderful old love songs.
I think Dad could have been the daddy we all longed for in our lives, if he had known the love of a father- He never had that privilege in his life. If only he could have known the love of his Father in Heaven at an earlier age, things might have been different in his life.

It is said that some people view their Heavenly Father through the eyes and mind of who their earthly father has been to them. I don’t think my Dad had much to go on. His parents divorced when he was two. His mother remained single and looking for some time for the man of her dreams. Finally, she found him. We kids had a relationship with her husband, our grandad. Loved him dearly. My dad did not. I believe my dad was not even allowed to eat at the same table with his step-father. I don’t know the reason, maybe jealousy?
I think this is what the Lord is talking about when he says he “hates divorce”.
People are hurt. Children are hurt. People are misunderstood. In my dad’s case, this brilliant man that built a company- poured time and sweat into it...became an alcoholic.
He didn’t just become an alcoholic. He eventually became a drunk. I do believe that the devil robbed him of everything good and decent. My dad said he drank the next morning to forget the sins of the previous day. We kids didn’t have a fix to forget the past day’s events.
Not only was our family affected by dad’s problems, he was. He lost his health- he eventually lost his company. He lost the love and admiration and respect that he once had.
Not to go in to detail, for he did come out on the other side. Many, many prayers were said for him through the years...and although he lived the last twenty plus years with major health issues, he came to know the Lord Jesus Christ. He lived in the Peace that only God could give him.

I miss my daddy Father. I am so grateful that my daddy is on the other side. That he is looking down with all the saints and cheering us all on. One day I will see him and also hear that beautiful singing voice of his that cancer of the larynx destroyed.

I am so thankful, though, that I have gotten to know the Love of my ABBA Father in Heaven.
I’ve had a lot to suffer through in my life...just like everyone else. Most of us have suffered in one way or another. BUT, I am so grateful that I have found the love the comes from my ABBA Father, my daddy father in Heaven. God wants to be this for us, and He can, if only we let Him.
He doesn’t try to take the place of our earthly fathers, or mothers, or anyone in our family that we have suffered from. God wants to take first place in our hearts so that we might have that love built up in us. That love is unconditional. He is ABBA, which means, Daddy in Hebrew.
Jesus called his Father that in the book of Mark.
What other daddy could know us so perfectly? What other daddy could love us through all of our inadequacies, hurts, pain as that perfect ONE in Heaven. He looks down every day on us..He wants to reside in and through us. There is nothing hidden from Him in our lives. He literally saved me and helped me to see and understand what my earthly dad was going through.
I had tons of unforgiveness for years towards my dad and the Lord, taught me the need to forgive and actually brought that forgiveness in my heart.

“Father, Abba Father, today is a good day. You are still with me. You are with us all. I pray dear God in Heaven, that someone might be touched by this message today. Whatever they are going through, help them to see that nothing is impossible with you. Nothing. You have brought me through so much in my life. You’ve helped me to grow and to receive the love that is so needed in us all. Your love makes us complete. I know that my dad, for so many years, did not find this love. His hurt caused him to be rebellious. Finally, Father, something clicked. You made a way!
I’m so grateful for that. Thank you for giving him to me as a dad. Thank you for allowing me to realize that fighting pain with alcohol, drugs, anger, rage, unforgiveness, malice, material wealth, is not the answer! Thank you for allowing me to find true peace and happiness that only comes from knowing you Lord, and having the assurance that you are with me daily. May others come to know this and be blessed by your Abba Father!!!” In your Son, Jesus’s Name, Amen.

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