Monday, January 3, 2011

"What can take away my sins? Nothing but the blood of Jesus. What can make me free within? Nothing but the blood of Jesus!"
Ever hear that song- that hymn before? I know I have. I had forgotten about it
until this morning.
"Oh, precious is that flow...that makes me white as snow....No other fount I know..
Nothing but the blood of Jesus!"

I was doing a Bible study this morning and the question was asked.."How has God given you something out of nothing? When have you come to Jesus with very little and He's multiplied it a thousand times over?"

I thought on that one. He has blessed me in so many countless times and ways. Hasn't He you?

I began to think more about this, and was thinking about my sister Jenny. I was thinking about who she is as a person,and how much she has meant to me in my life. She is one person who has always- always, been a little 'cheerleader' in my life. Never an unkind word. I smile to myself when I say that, because she and I fought like cats and dogs at times in our youth!
She is an encourager to the hilt, and not just to me..but, to so many others. She asks very little of life, and of other people. She has a smile that extends from one continent to another, and when she enters a lights up! Not saying she hasn't a fault, or that she is perfect. No, there is only ONE that is perfect. But, I will say...if ever there was a person that tries to encourage others- it is Jenny.

I felt led to call her this morning , and since she is at work..I texted her. I told her what she means to me. Of course, she then had to tell me how great and glorious she thinks I am, but, I told her.."When you go to Heaven..I KNOW your rewards will be great! My crown will be a little dented here and there...tarnished here and there, but yours, my dear, will be so bright and glowing. I'll have to wear sunglasses to talk to you!"
We all have encouragers in our lives. God puts them there. I've talked before about my other sister. How she has been there for me forever! I could go on and on about others in my family, and friends, But, this morning, I was thinking about my 'younger' sister Jenn (she never lets me forget it!! lol!) The thing about her,is, she doesn't see herself in that way! That's the best part! I do wish tho' she would
begin to see herself as that beautiful creation of God that we all know her to be!

I can answer that question now, how God has blessed me with much out of little.
He has blessed me with the love of Jesus coming to me in so many, many ways.
"I was lost..but, now am found!" I've been 'found' for a good number of years now..but, as I told my sister Jenn this morning, It was nothing of me! Nothing.
It was pure GRACE and LOVE from the LORD above. Pure and simple.
His deliverance from sin and death - His bringing me into HIS KINGDOM.

Never- ever- give up HOPE! NEVER! Whether you are an encourager who is weary from praying for someone, or whether you are that person that feels sin's grip is so strong -you will never be free! You will! I can promise you this, IF you put your hope and trust in the LORD JESUS CHRIST! If you ask forgiveness...HE will give it! We have to do our part in this- and genuinely be sorrowful and turn away from sin.
He will give us the strength to do that...All we need do is ask.

If we confess our sins, HE is just to forgive us our sins, and CLEANSE us from ALL
unrighteousness. and when HE forgives- WATCH OUT - for HE will begin a work in you that will boggle your mind!

People like Jenny marvel that I have learned and memorized so many scriptures.
I marvel at that as well, for I didn't really come to understand the scriptures until my 30's..and truly try to live a life that would please HIM until later. Not saying I didn't go to church, or try to be a 'good' person, and all that jazz...I did.
It took something huge in my life-well, more than one huge event- to get me, to the realization that GOD wanted more for my life than 'defeat' at every turn.

I think when we come to realize that GOD is our Heavenly Father, and that we are here on earth..temporarily...for this is NOT our Home, it is Heaven. When we begin to realize this, we begin to seek our Lord for His help. God will do everything in HIS power to keep us going in the right direction- verses eternal damnation. Our Part, is so easy, but sometimes... we are so blinded to it!
WAKE UP!- PLEASE!- Turn everything ...over to the ONE...JESUS CHRIST who gave HIS LIFE FOR YOU! He loves you so much and HIS COMPASSION (forget about all those you are waiting for, to be compassionate to you!)
In Jesus's precious Name. Amen and AMEN.

"All I can say is Lord...thank you for the act...your giving your that we might live. Thank you for every prayer...every kindness...every thought you have towards me..and mine...and for all the people you have placed in my life to
love me..and encourage me....THANK YOU FOR YOU! I'm not there yet...but,
well on my way...and with your help...I will make it...and so will all those that are crying out to you. YOU ARE ALL POWERFUL , LOVING, AND YOU ARE ALWAYS FAITHFUL!"


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