Friday, August 12, 2011

time and again

Time and again...I've heard the words...Fear the Lord.. the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom!
I was brought up in a church where I could witness the love of the Lord..and I had a wonderful image of Jesus and God. I KNEW who God was..and that I didn't want to mess up in any way..for fear of retribution!!! I was young...
As I grew..we into a church that preached about being righteous...and needed to be so righteous..all the time...because God would send me to HELL....Yes, I believe in is a real place...I also believe that God in His most loving act of mercy and grace...sent HIS SON to be the propitiation for our sins...His suffering and final victory on that cross...did the work that none of us can do...NO MATTER HOW MUCH we work at it!!!
I know now...that there is a balance. God's love for us is real! His Son's victory on the cross is real! The way for forgiveness for our thru that cross! Do we need to have Godly sorrow that leads us to repentance? YES! for all have sinned and come short of His glory.
I just think that WE need to get this word 'fear' right. It is to be in 'awe' of Him!!! to revere Him!
So, the next time you pray...the next time you need to seek His forgiveness....the next time you
worry and doubt...and are trying to lay ALL at His feet.....think on this!!!
Put yourself in HIS THRONE ROOM !! imagine what that might be like...GOD AND JESUS CHRIST, HIS SON...sitting at His right hand....and together..with the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD....listening to your feeble attempts at trying to solve things.....GIVE IT UP!!!! IMAGINE- REALIZE YOU are a child of the MOST HIGH GOD>>>the KING OF ALL KINGS!!!! and HE LOVES YOU!!!!
can you not see victory when you lay ALL AT HIS FEET?????
Father God, help us all to see you clearly...more each realize that you are the TRUE and ONLY answer to our muddled lives down here!!!! May we live in victory, each and every day, by laying it ALL at your feet Lord!!! ALL!!! We just have to die to self...and let YOU live in and thru us LORD...and forgive us...FORGIVE ME...for the times we have not done this. MAY WE PLEASE BE LED OF YOUR HOLY SPIRIT TODAY...AND 'NOT' OUR EMOTIONS!!!

1 comment:

  1. I hear you are getting a new puppy!!! You are brave! I don't think I could have the patience for all the puppy antics these days!!

    So glad you guys made it through the fire thing ok- gosh that was a close call- we were doing alot of praying for you.

    I think Mom is coming up this way in a few weeks- will meet Kathy in Albuquerque and then drive her the rest of the way. Looking forward to it. David will be here next week and we had Jonathan for a few days a few weeks ago!

    bee blessed
